Sunday, April 17, 2005

So, tonite was the annual Student Foundation Raid the Cabinet function. It's basically a progressive dinner hosted by various university cabinet members. The original thought behind it is that it would serve as a vehicle to develop relationships between members of SF and membes of the Cabinet. The only problem seems to be that we get so focused on visiting everyone that we wind up worrying more about the schedule than anything else... We spent only about a half hour at each of the six stops. It didn't seem to be much time to get beyond superficial chit chat. I think maybe next year we might want to change it up a little next year, spend more time talking.... maybe can the whole idea and invite the cabnet members out one at a time to dinner on Sundays. All else fails we could all go to Fazolis or some such. That way we would have more time to talk. Who knows. Be seeing you.