Monday, November 22, 2004

On Another Monday

Shock of shocks, it's monday again. It cometh all to fast. Life's like that I guess. I can remeber being in the third grade and thinking about how long it would be until I got to sixth grade. It seemed like it would be forever. But then, third grade seems like forever ago. So maybe it works out. Come to think of it, it seems like last fall was an eterninty ago.
Ludwig showed me how to crop pictures in MS Photo editor... that was interesting. I was trying to crop one of Shake's pictures of a G2 football game last year so that I could use it in an intramurals schedule for this year. It was nice, Stack (captain for football) wrote up the 41 schedule all of his own accord. Saved me some time. It was nice of him.
Had a Stats test this morning. It was thrilling, as always. I think I actually might have done okay, depending on how one of the problems gets scored. There's always the chance that I just completely missed the mark, as the last test demonstrated. The nice thing is that I don't need to worry about it anymore, as what has been done has been done.
Other exciting things in the life of Pebble.... let's see... not sure that there are any at this particular moment. Anyway, one of my roomates just left to do the physics handwritten thta is due tommorow. Wisdom dictates that I join him. Be seeing you.


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